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August 19, 2004


C: Chad makes a playable fragment in Konfabulator! He takes Juan's house and creates an interior space where a bag of seeds have been left. Juan goes inside and picks up the bag, adding its contents to his inventory. He then goes back out into the field and can plant five coffee bean stalks, which grow before his eyes. He then chops them to harvest one coffee bean per plant.

L: Larry makes more drawings for the FARC, including one where the NPC is shot and dies. Larry is realizing that imagining the scene of death and dying for each one of our characters is hard. Emotionally hard.

G: Glen adds games and other content to sudor.net, filling out the site and replacing dummy text. He begins to set up the Moveable Type blog.

Posted by SWEAT at August 19, 2004 05:30 PM

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