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April 05, 2008

Peg Faimon on Graphic Design in the context of Electronic Media Programs

Peg Faimon of Miami University of Ohio:

Digital Media programs by their very nature want to fight against the traditional siloed university structure. Should digital media move from the single disciplinary home, such as Art or Communication, to an interdisciplinary collaboration?

If departments across campus, including graphic design, are doing “digital media” shouldn’t they be sharing their common language and take advantage of overlaps?
In a “networked/non-linear society” what is the appropriate organizational structure for our graphic design/digital media curricula?
How can we be affective advocates for change on our campuses? Is it our role to educate administrators about dynamic media and how it fits within and changes the traditional curricula?
How can we set up our curricula to be evolving and flexible, as opposed to static and repetitive?
Design thinking, like digital media, is a bridge to other disciplines. Is it our role/responsibility as graphic design faculty to take the lead in building that bridge?
Is a “thematic” education as effective as a “linear” one?

Posted by SWEAT at April 5, 2008 05:15 PM