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March 28, 2010
Call for Participation: Soft Borders - Sao Paolo, Brazil
Soft Borders is the 4th Upgrade! International Network Conference and Festival, that will take place in São Paulo city, Brazil, from 18th to 21st/october/2010. The previous editions of the conference happened in New York (USA), Ocklahoma City (USA) and Skopje (Macedônia).
The conference will gather artists, curators and researchers from 30 countries to present and discuss the field of new media art, in the international and local contexts, especially in Brazil, the country that is hosting the present edition of the event. The call for participation is internationally open and the accepted formats are: papers, posters and workshops. Click on "Call for Participation" in the navigation menu to submit your work.
The new media festival that is also part of the Soft Borders evente will present artworks selected by two curators - a Brazilian and an Upgrade! International Network curator.
The Soft Borders theme, that drives either the conference and the art festival, aim to discuss the borders dissolutions between the many fields of the knowledge and life, the contamination of the one another, particularly regarding the relationship between art-science-technology.
Posted by Rafael Fajardo at March 28, 2010 12:00 PM