Forni, Alberto. “Evitare I Manager E Attraversare La Frontiera: Piccoli videogiochi politicamente scorretti”. Dispenser Weblog. Listed February 2005.
Hunt, Jamer. “Slow Down and Act Now”. The Knowledge Circuit. University of Minnesota Design Institute. Listed November 2004.
Baigorri, Laura. “Transmisor”. Listed January 2005.
Ludovico, Alessandro. “Border Games, videogames sull'immigrazione messicana”. Neural.it Listed October 2004.
ID Magazine
Emigré Magazine
Power|Play @ the International Film Fest of Rotterdam
IGDA Reality Panic: Social Commentary in Games
IGDA Reality Panic: The Case for Crit
USC Interactive Design Weblog
› TechKwonDo__julian
bleecker - SimCity2000. Urban Crisis: Past, Present and Virtual
Link on page goes to .pdf download. Rafael and Crosser™ & La Migra™
quoted on pg. 14-15.
The Denver Post
Link goes to archive search results.
Rethinking War Games Activate mentioned us in their journal.
Bruce Sterling gave us a nod on his Viridian blog.
We are members of the Learning Games Initiative at the University of Arizona.
A copy of the press release from [Empyre] was published on the gamedev.org
selectparks has listed us on their database of developers.
There is a mention of me in the New York Fine Arts newsletter, I'm
not sure why... Rafael and the games are mentioned in "Engaging
the Audience in New Media and Information"