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July 06, 2006
Rafael speaks today in Paris at the Digital Humanities conference
R: I spoke at the combined international Digital Humanities Conference of the Association for Computing and the Humanities and of the Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing. My colleague and friend Marcel O'Gorman asked me to present the work of SWEAT in the context of critical and cultural studies in the humanities. He asked that I present our work as an example of how to "do" critical practice. This is a deep affirmation. I've been experimenting with how to form a critical practice for years without really knowing if I was getting close. Marcel's intervention with this panel was courageous, in that he was trying to point an entire intellectual peer-group into another direction. In this he was working in collaboration with our other distinguished panel member, Geoffrey Rockwell, whose presentation was a wonderful exploration of convergence(s). [ DHC program | our abstracts ]
Posted by SWEAT at 11:59 PM | Comments (0)