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April 08, 2008

Carlos Runcie Tanaka at the University of Denver

Carlos Runcie Tanaka, Peru's representative to the Venice Bienale. World renowned artist.

learn the technique from the direct experience, from the elements thaty you have in your own place.

Carlos realized that he was of the desert south of lima. he decided to begin to employ low temperature clay and colors of the desert. he began to place objects back into the sands of the desert.

In Cuenca Carlos began to try to bring the landscape into the musuem, even as he was moving the objects into the landscape. In Mexico, he brought 14 tons of gravel into the Museum of Modern Art as the landscape the objects.

Using very simple forms.

giving back things to the earth.

finding narrative significance in the iconography of the crab.

cosomological and numerological significance.

it takes an hour to fold an origami crab.

the folding is a reminder of stories.

videos of the folding.

grinding of glass spheres.

dancing with a crab.

video of "Displacements" recreating the folds, meant to feel as though they are floating in space. folded paper brought together to make the map of the world, and then the ocean comes and the folded papers are replaced by crabs of different sizes. building up the forms from darkness to light.

the body as measurement of all things. press molds to make 300 figures. taken hostage by the revolutionary movement Tupac Amaru. held for 10 days. the piece called "the wait". 100 roses for 100 waits (hopes?), dried roses in the urns below the figures. people were still held hostage while he was making this work. an homage for those still held at that time. an attempt to communicate.

Posted by SWEAT at April 8, 2008 07:00 PM